Angular Heidelberg


Community updates, 2018-08-04

Upcoming conferences:

  1. Frontend Rhein-Neckar #3 26. September 2018 at UEBERBIT in Mannheim see
  2. Angular Days 2018, 09.-12. October in Berlin, by S&S Media see
  3. Web Developer Conference (WDC), 16.-18. October 2018 in Munich, by Neue Mediengesellschaft Ulm mbH see
  4. ⭐️ AngularConnect, 6. &. 7 November 2018 in London, see
  5. NG-DE 2019, summer 2019 in Berlin, by Symetics GmbH, see
  6. Angular.Schule 4 days advanced workshop, 18.-21. September 2018 in Heidelberg, see


  1. Angular version 6.1 has been released. This is a minor release that is a drop-in replacement for 6.0 containing new features (TypeScript 2.9, Scroll Positioning, and more) and bugfixes.
  2. Schematics for NativeScript announced ng add @nativescript/schematics (source)
  3. Schematics for Apollo Angular released ng add apollo-angular (source) ➔ see also our video about GraphQL/Angular on Youtube
  4. ⭐️ Nrwl announced Angular Console — the UI for the Angular CLI (
  5. NgTalks Conference in Ukraine was a big success, continuous release of recorded videos on Twitter
  6. NgAtlanta Foundation announced their campaign called “the road of access” (, they are going to offer for conference scholarships, paid internships, ongoing mentors etc. for underrepresented individuals to access our industry
  7. Angular 7 is now in beta.4 (source)
  8. well informed core devs told us that Ivy won’t come before NG8

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