Angular Heidelberg


Community updates, 2019-07-04

Upcoming events:

  1. 🇩🇪 NG-DE ❤️🤝, 30.-31. August 2019 in Berlin, see
  2. 🇮🇹 NgRome ❤️, 7. October 2019 in Rome, see
  3. 🇪🇸 NgSpain ❤️, 19.-20. October 2019 in Madrid, see
  4. 🇺🇦 NgTalks ❤️ 🤝, 07.-08 November 2019 in Kharkov, see
  5. 🇩🇪 Angular.Schule, 24.-27. September 2019 in Heidelberg, see
    (sponsored link)

🤝 == we are Community Partners!

❤️ == with ngGirls free of charge workshop before!

Next Meetup (#ngHeidelberg v7) –

Vote for a date:

When developing enterprise apps with Angular, we need a rich set of UI components in order to be fast and efficient. But what happens if there is no ready-made component for a use case available? The “Component Dev Kit” (CDK) comes to the rescue. It simplifies the development of wizards, popups, drag & drop and other component behaviors.

In this talk, Christian will give an overview of the CDK followed by some live coding.


  1. 🚀 Angular 8 is out!
    • you can’t have missed this news!
    • ng update @angular/cli @angular/core and you are ready to go
  2. NgRx 8 is out (new leaner API createAction(), createReducer(), createEffect())
    • ng update @ngrx/store
  3. 2nd edition: the Angular-Buch (Malcher, Hoppe, Koppenhagen) is available, see –> we will raffle one book today!
  4. - a continuously updated list of all angular libraries that support ng add to save yourself a ton of time! screenshot

Promo codes:

NgTalks logo

NgTalks code: ngheidelberg – with this promo-code, you’ll get a 7% discount for conference tickets.

    NG-DE logo

NG-DE code: – with this url, you’ll get a 25% discount for conference tickets.

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